
mercredi 2 mai 2012

Declaration Relative a l' Arrestation de Birame: Francais-Anglais

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Nous, US-Mauritanina Disapora, bien que ne soutenant pas l’acte  destruction de livres religieux par Birame Ould Abeid, President de IRA, denoncons avec vigueur son arrestation arbitraire  a domicile a Nouakchott, le Dimanche 29 Avril 2012.  Nous partageons ses preoccupations concernant les sujets evoques dans ces livres. En effet ils sont diametralement en contradiction avec la lettre et l’esprit de la loi criminalisant l’ esclavage en Mauritanie. Selon les informations, des passages de ces livres mentionnent que,  «  le maitre, a tout moment, peut prononcer la nullite du marriage de son esclave, homme ou femme. » Ou «  le maitre peut castrer son esclave pour qu il s’assure qu’ il n’ aura pas de rapports avec  sa maitresse. »

A notre avis, c est cause du refus du gouverenement de prendre des mesures effectives contre la pratique de l’esclavage qui nous a conduit a cette situation. Il serait moralement indefendable de la part de President Aziz de transformer cet acte en bouee de sauvetage politique.

Nous pensons que les excuses presentes par IRA a travers son Charge des Relations Exterieures, Mr. Balla Toure doivent normalement appeser tous ceux qui se sentiraient offenses par cet acte.

Par ailleurs, il est a rappeler que la democratie est loin d’ etre une realite en Mauritanie ou les violations des droits de l’ homme et la pratique de l’ esclavage continuent. Alors, il est imperatif de nous focaliser sur cet agenda qui constitute notre priorite.

L' arrestation et l'emprisonnement de tout citoyen ne sauraient s'operer sous de l'effet de l'emotions, mais apres une infraction legalement constatee conformement  aux lois en vigueur.

En consequence nous :

Condamnons l’ exploitation de cet incident a des fins politiques,

Exigeons la liberation immediate et sans condition de Mr. Abeid et ses collegues,

Demandons le respect de leurs droits fondamentaux.

May 1st, 2012
Coordination, US-Mauritanian Diaspora
New York, USA


We, US- Mauritaninan Diaspora, while not supporting the destruction of religious books by Birame Oud Abeid, President of IRA, we vigorously denounce his arrest at home in Nouakchott on April 29, 2012 by Mauritanian security forces. We share the concerns about issues raised in those books. They are in sharp contradiction with the letter and spirit of the law criminalizing slavery in Mauritania . According to reports, in the books mentioned, it is stated that,” the master, at any time may declare the nullity of the marriage of his slave, male or female.” It is also reported that, “ the master can castrate his slave to ensure that he will not have sexual relations with his mistress.”

In our opinion, it is because of the reluctance of the government to take effective measures against the practice of slavery that has led to this situation. It would be morally indefensible for President Aziz to use this incident as a political life boat.

We believe that the apology made by IRA through its External Relations Officer, Mr. Balla Toure should appease anyone who is offended by this act.

Moreover, it is to recall that democracy is not yet a reality in Mauritania where human rights violations and the practice of slavery continue. So, it is imperative for us to focus on these issues; they are our priority.

The arrest and imprisonment of any citizen cannot take place in the midst of high emotion, and then, only after an offense has been legally established in accordance with existing laws.
Consequently we:

            Strongly condemn the exploitation of this incident for political purpose,
Demand the immediate and unconditional release of Mr Abeid and his colleagues,
Demand that their fundamental rights be respected.

May 1st, 2012
Coordination, US-Mauritanian Diaspora
New York, USA

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